Free USPS Postal Exam 474 Practice Tests (2024) (2024)

USPS Postal Exam 474 – learn more about the screening assessment for mail carrier roles with the United States Postal Service and prepare with free USPS 474 practice test questions.

If you’re applying for a position as a mail carrier with the United States Postal Service (USPS), you’ll be required to take a virtual entry assessment (VEA) as part of the selection process.

Specifically, you’ll be asked to take the USPS 474 exam.

To increase your chances of success, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the exam format, content, and types of questions you’ll encounter.

This guide covers everything you need to know, and includes Postal Exam 474 practice test questions to help you prepare.

Practice the USPS Postal Exam 474 with JobTestPrep

What Is the USPS Postal Exam 474?

The USPS 474 exam, also known as the Mail Carrier or MC 474 exam, is a screening assessment that must be taken by candidates applying for the following roles with the US postal service:

  • Rural Carrier
  • City Carrier
  • City Carrier Assistant
  • Rural Carrier Associate

It’s designed to measure work styles and behaviors to make sure you’re a good fit for the position, as well as to uncover information about your past work history and experience.

It does this by asking a series of questions split into four sections:

  • Work situations– This section looks at your ability to handle various work-related scenarios you may encounter as a mail carrier, with questions that evaluate your problem solving and decision making skills.
  • What motivates you– This section uncovers your key drivers and what inspires you to excel in your work.
  • Tell us your story– Here, you’ll be asked about your work history and past experience, and how it’s prepared you for the demands of the role.
  • Describe your work style– Finally, you’ll be quizzed on your preferred work methods with questions on things like your communication style and how well you adapt to different work environments.

You can take the USPS 474 test on any internet-connected device and from any location you choose.

It’s important to note, however, that there is a strict testing window – you must complete the assessment in full within 72 hours of receiving your test invitation email.

There is no time limit to the USPS 474, so you can work at your own pace. Most candidates take between 30 and 45 minutes for all four sections.

The pass mark for the USPS 474 is a minimum of 70%. If you fall under this score threshold, you’ll be removed from the applicant pool and will need to wait one year to apply for any other mail carrier role.

With that in mind, it’s important to put in plenty of USPS 474 test practice before your official assessment.

Where Can I Take a Free USPS 474 Practice Test?

Accessing free USPS 474 practice test questions is a great way to prepare for the mail carrier exam.

By working through them, you’ll become familiar and confident with the structure, format, and types of questions you’ll face.

There are numerous websites that offer free USPS 474 test practice, however, this practice is often limited to just a few questions and not an entire exam.

So while these sites are helpful for getting a feel for the test, they aren’t going to provide the full experience.

For more comprehensive preparation, you might look to buy a complete Postal Exam 474 practice test and prep pack. These offer more extensive question banks, detailed explanations and study guides.

Free USPS 474 Practice Test Questions

Below you’ll find a selection of free Postal Exam 474 practice test questions to kick start your preparation.

You’ll find two sample questions per section of the exam, along with instructions on how each should be completed.

The nature of the USPS 474 test means there are no right or wrong answers.

It’s all about assessing your suitability for the mail carrier role you’ve applied for based on your approach to work, your motivations, and your professional behaviors.

Postal Exam 474 Practice Test Questions: Work Situations

Work situation questions present you with a job-related scenario and four options of how you might respond.

For each situation, pick the course of action you’re most likely to take and the one you are least likely to take.

1. You're a Rural Carrier, and bad weather makes roads impassable. How do you ensure mail gets delivered on time and that you keep customers happy?

a) Reschedule deliveries for the next day.
b) Let customers know about delays and suggest alternative pickup options.
c) Assume customers won’t mind the inconvenience and wait for the roads to clear.
d) Use different transportation methods like walking or off-road vehicles.

2. You're a City Carrier Assistant handling lots of parcels and time-sensitive mail. How do you organize your work for quick and accurate delivery?

a) Prioritize delivering time-sensitive mail first.
b) Optimize your route to efficiently handle parcel deliveries.
c) Get help from colleagues to speed up the delivery process.
d) Stick to a fixed route, regardless of parcel volume or time sensitivity.

3. You are delivering mail and notice that one of the packages has a slightly torn side, but the contents seem secure and undamaged. You do not have immediate access to your supervisor.

What do you do?

a) Deliver the package as is, making a note of the tear in case the recipient has concerns.
b) Leave a note for the recipient explaining the situation and proceed with delivery.
c) Secure the tear with adhesive tape available in the delivery vehicle, then deliver the package.
d) Return the package to the post office and report the damage to your supervisor.

The correct answer is:c) Secure the tear with adhesive tape available in the delivery vehicle, then deliver the package.

This response demonstrates initiative and problem-solving while ensuring the package is delivered in as good a condition as possible, reflecting a commitment to customer service and responsibility.

4.During a busy delivery day, a customer approaches you with a complaint about a missing package that was supposed to be delivered the previous day. How do you respond?

a) Apologize for the inconvenience and assure the customer you will look into the issue immediately.
b) Explain that you are too busy to deal with their problem and suggest they contact customer service.
c) Tell the customer that it's probably a delay and to wait a few more days for the package to arrive.
d) Ask for the tracking number and explain how they can check the status online or direct them to the appropriate customer service for further assistance.

The correct answer is:d) Ask for the tracking number and explain how they can check the status online or direct them to the appropriate customer service for further assistance.

This response shows professionalism and helpfulness, addressing the customer's concern without diverting from your delivery duties, and guiding them towards the next steps to resolve their issue.

Postal Exam 474 Practice Test Questions: What Motivates You

In this section, you’ll be presented with a series of statement pairs. For each pair, you’ll need to select the statement that best describes your working preferences.

Note that the statements may not always be connected, and you might identify with both. Where this is the case, choose the statement that is most important to you.

Statement 1: I excel under time pressure
Statement 2: I prefer a consistent daily routine

Statement 1: I enjoy team projects
Statement 2: I like to be given specific job instructions

Postal Exam 474 Practice Test Questions: Tell Us Your Story

In this section, you’ll answer questions on your skills, past achievements, and any work experience you may have.

For each question asked, you simply need to select one of the multiple choice options given.

1. How many years of relevant work experience do you have?

a) Less than 1 year
b) 1 to 2 years
c) 3 to 5 years
d) More than 5 years

2. In your previous roles or activities, did you primarily work:

a) Independently
b) With a team
c) Both independently and with a team
d) Not applicable

3.Describe a situation from a previous job where you had to meet strict deadlines. How did you ensure that you completed your tasks on time?

a) I generally waited until the last minute because I work better under pressure, relying on adrenaline to finish tasks.
b) I prioritized my tasks based on deadlines and urgency, used a planner to manage my time and stayed late if necessary to ensure everything was completed on time.
c) I asked my coworkers to cover for me because I find it hard to keep up with deadlines.
d) I ignored some of the less important tasks to ensure that the critical ones were done by the deadline.

The correct answer is:b) I prioritized my tasks based on deadlines and urgency, used a planner to manage my time and stayed late if necessary to ensure everything was completed on time.

This response indicates strong time management skills and a responsible approach to work, showcasing the candidate's ability to handle pressure and prioritize effectively, qualities valued in postal service roles.

4. Have you ever had to deal with an unhappy customer or coworker in your previous employment? How did you handle the situation?

a) I avoided confrontation and waited for the situation to resolve itself or for someone else to intervene.
b) I listened to their concerns, empathized with their situation and worked to find a mutual solution to the problem.
c) I immediately informed my supervisor or manager without attempting to address the issue myself.
d) I argued back to prove my point, as I was confident that I was right.

The correct answer is:b) I listened to their concerns, empathized with their situation and worked to find a mutual solution to the problem.

This response demonstrates effective communication skills, empathy and problem-solving abilities, all of which are important in handling customer and coworker relations in a customer service-oriented environment like the USPS.

Postal Exam 474 Practice Test Questions: Describe Your Work Style

The questions in this section are again displayed as statement pairs, each describing a preferred working style.

For each statement pair, pick the one that best describes you.

Statement 1: I prefer to work independently on my assigned tasks
Statement 2: I prefer to contribute ideas and collaborate with others

Statement 1: I am comfortable with multitasking
Statement 2: I prefer to focus on one task at a time

Tips for Choosing the Best Postal Exam 474 Practice Test

The free Postal Exam 474 practice test questions above are designed as an introduction to the test content.

If you choose to buy a complete preparation pack, consider the following factors to get the best value for money and increase your chances of test success:

  • Cost– Choose a practice pack that fits with your budget and balances affordability with comprehensive content.
  • Number of questions– Look for a MC 474 practice test with plenty of questions included for thorough coverage.
  • Alignment to the test– Make sure the practice questions closely mirror the structure and content of the USPS 474 test for a realistic experience.
  • Ease of use– Prioritize a user-friendly interface so you can focus fully on mastering the material.
  • Reviews– Read user reviews on the provider's website for insights into the quality of the materials offered.
  • Reputation– Research the provider's reputation for supporting candidates in successfully passing the USPS 474 test.

How to Pass the USPS 474 Test

Know the Responsibilities of the Role

Research what your duties as a mail carrier will be before you take the test. This will help you showcase your suitability for the role, as you’ll be able to align your answers with the demands of the job.

Take Practice Tests

Practice will boost your confidence. It’s also a good way to really understand what your working styles and preferences are, so you can give a true reflection in your official test.

Use the free USPS 474 exam practice test questions above as a starting point.

Read Questions Carefully

This is particularly important for the Work Situations section, as some of the scenarios you’re presented with may be complex in nature.

By paying close attention to details, you can better understand the context and choose the most appropriate response.

Don’t Overthink Your Answers

The USPS 474 test aims to assess your natural responses to work situations and job related preferences.

Whilst it’s important to consider your answers carefully, it’s equally important to follow your instincts. Overthinking can lead to indecision and a distorted view of who you are.

Reference Your Application

Consistency is important for the Tell Us Your Story section, so have your initial application to hand. Refer back to it to ensure the responses you give match any and all information given when you applied for the role.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the passing score for USPS 474?

The passing score for the USPS 474 test is 70%. Candidates whose scores fall below this will not advance to the next stage of selection.

Is there a free USPS 474 exam practice test?

You can access free USPS 474 practice test questions on sites like JobTestPrep. You can also purchase complete practice papers for the full testing experience.

How many times can you take the 474 exam?

The 474 exam can only be taken once per application for mail carrier roles with the USPS.

If you fail to achieve the 70% pass score on your first attempt, you must wait one year before you can reapply and take the test again.

Final Thoughts

With only one attempt given to achieve the minimum 70% pass score for the USPS 474 test, solid preparation is key. Remember that if you fail to achieve this minimum score, you’ll need to wait 12 months before you’re eligible to reapply.

To pass the USPS 474 test, it is important to practice with the right materials, so look for quality sample questions and practice tests that give you a competitive edge.

Good luck!

Free USPS Postal Exam 474 Practice Tests (2024) (2024)


Is the 474 postal exam hard? ›

Your performance on the Postal Exam is the most important part of your application that can make or break your opportunity to start a federal career with the USPS. The Postal Exam is very difficult and you only get one shot every two years.

What is the passing score for the USPS 474 exam? ›

The passing score for the USPS 474 assessment is 70 and above. If you score below that, you'll receive an ineligible status and you'll be allowed to retake the test only after 12 months.

What is the failure rate for the postal exam 474? ›

The exact Postal Exam 474 failure rate is unknown, but appears to be as high as 80% percent. Don't leave your fate up to chance, familiarize yourself with the content, practice sample questions, and study relevant materials.

How to study for USPS assessment test? ›

One of the best ways to prepare for the postal exam is by taking practice tests. Practice tests will help you get a gauge of where you are at and a feel for the material that will be on the test. Postal exam prep courses are also a great option to help you prepare.

How do you know if you passed the USPS assessment test? ›

The result of your exam will be either “eligible” or “ineligible” or it may be a score number. If your result score is “eligible” you received a passing score. If your result score is “ineligible” you did not receive a passing score.

What is the passing score for the USPS test? ›

Postal Exam Scores - Important Information

There are three essential things to know about what is considered a good score in the USPS exams: You must pass it with a score of 70 and above. Failing to meet the minimal score will result in an ineligible status and you'll be allowed to retest only after 12 months.

Is it hard to pass the USPS test? ›

It's not easy. Most people don't pass the exam. If they get a passing score, most won't make it past the physical requirements, drug test, driving requirements or interview. If you pass everything and get hired, months after you took the test, and are hired, you still have to prove you can do the job.

Why do people fail the postal exam? ›

Questions concerning why people fail postal exam 473

Here are some common reasons: 1. Lack of Preparation: Most candidates overlook the simplicity of this exam and fail to adequately prepare for it.

How many people pass the USPS test? ›

Typically, 70 to 80 percent of applicants will fail in the Postal Exam 474, thus, this is a very big obstacle. Nonetheless, you should not be discouraged by these facts; they should act as an incentive to prepare yourself more for a higher chance of succeeding.

What is the best way to pass an assessment test? ›

Tips to Clear a Pre-Employment Assessment
  1. Research about the Job Role. No two jobs are identical. ...
  2. Identify the Industry and Domain. ...
  3. Speak to the Hiring Team. ...
  4. Use Mock Pre-Employment Tests. ...
  5. Check System Requirements. ...
  6. Stay Calm. ...
  7. Be Aware of Job Context in Your Answers. ...
  8. Read Questions Carefully.

How do you know if you passed an assessment test? ›

They might immediately share your score with you, or they might keep that information private. If you perform well in your assessment test, the hiring manager might tell you that you have advanced to the next round of interviews or offer you the job.

How long is the USPS assessment test good for? ›

How long is my score good? When will it expire? Your score may be used until the date shown on your Notice of Rating. For example, for Exam 473, your score may be used for 6 years if you have not been hired.

Is it hard to pass the postal exam? ›

It's not easy. Most people don't pass the exam. If they get a passing score, most won't make it past the physical requirements, drug test, driving requirements or interview. If you pass everything and get hired, months after you took the test, and are hired, you still have to prove you can do the job.

What is a good score on the USPS virtual assessment? ›

You must score at least 70% to pass the VEA. If you do not pass the VEA, then you cannot be considered for the position (or any other positions in that job group) and you will not be able to retake that version of the VEA for one year.

What happens if you fail the USPS assessment test? ›

Candidates who do not receive a passing score are considered ineligible on a particular assessment. You may still apply to other jobs that require a different assessment. Candidates who do not complete the assessment within the time allowed are also listed as ineligible.

Is 77 a good score on postal exam? ›

The highest possible score on these exams is 100, and 70 is passing. Putting this altogether, you need a score as close to 100 as you can possibly manage. And USPS Practice Tests with Actual Postal Exam Questions & Proven Best Answers is the key to making that score.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.