Teacher Training — Mandala Yoga Center for Healing Arts (2024)

Practice, study, and learn to teach

FALL 2024

September 11th - December 11th
Includes 9 Weekends, weekly Wednesday or Friday afternoons, a supplemental Anatomy course online, a 20 class card and discounts on all workshops and events.

Teacher Training — Mandala Yoga Center for Healing Arts (1)

Following the tradition of Krishnamacharya, we believe "the purpose of yoga is to reduce disturbance and return an individual to his or her inherent peace and power.... yoga must be adapted and practiced according to the needs, capacities, and aspirations of each student"


The teachers:

Sheryl Hastalis, Jolie Parcher, and Renata Di Biase.
We’re pleased to include a 20 hour anatomy component with master teacher Joe miller so that you can study at your own pace. is This will be enhanced with in-person lessons with Sheryl.

What it means to teach yoga:

The practice of teaching yoga requires a diverse skill set, including knowledge of the body and movement, engagement with the depth and subtlety of philosophy and teaching methodology, and an ability to connect with people in an open-hearted, authentic, and effective way. Beginning to identify and develop these skills in oneself is just the beginning. Teaching yoga is an ever-evolving art form and for the aspiring teacher, it is a career- and lifelong endeavor.

How your practice will deepen:

The most effective teaching relies on the practitioner’s curiosity and investigation within their own practice. While this training provides the concrete and practical information you’ll need to teach alignment-based vinyasa—including in-depth anatomy, yoga history and philosophy, meditation instruction, Sanskrit terminology, teaching techniques, etc—you’ll be encouraged to engage directly with your own experience of yoga to guide your education. Your personal practice will most certainly deepen and advance, and taking the course for this reason alone can be wonderfully fulfilling, but ultimately you will come away prepared to teach.

How you’ll learn to teach:

This training comprises a combination of lecture and discussion, workshop, experiential/personal practice, practice teaching, and observation and is organized primarily through the channels of asana (posture), pranayama (breath), and meditation (mindfulness)—the key elements of a complete yoga practice. From the very first weekend, you’ll be given ample opportunity to develop your own voice through practice teaching. As your practice, knowledge, and confidence develop over the course of this training, you’ll accrue the skills needed for holding space and guiding others through an engaging and well-rounded vinyasa yoga class that’s equal parts challenging, deep, safe, and accessible.

More specifically you will:

  • Practice teaching in a supportive and encouraging environment;

  • Learn the fundamentals of anatomy and how they apply to teaching yoga;

  • Learn alignment principles and modifications for any asana through accurate cueing;

  • Learn to intelligently and creatively sequence a class;

  • Develop the unique quality of your voice;

  • Explore how to transmit yoga dharma and philosophy in an authentic and accessible way;

  • Practice appropriate and effective hands-on adjustments;

  • Study pranayama techniques and how to teach them;

  • Learn meditation techniques and how to incorporate them into a yoga class;

  • Learn to use props to modify postures for a variety of skill levels.

  • Develop a personal daily practice which includes the daily rituals of Ayurvedic self-care;

  • Become familiar with the business of yoga.

The special perks to being a Mandala Yoga Teacher Trainee:

For the duration of the training you’ll receive:

  • A free 20 class yoga card to take classes with any of your Teacher Training instructors.

  • A 20% promo code to purchase additional class cards to take other classes.

  • 20% discount for all Mandala workshops.

Discount codes are valid for a full year from the start of the training.

Qualifications to be accepted into the program:

We expect you to have a minimum of a year of consistent yoga practice and be in good physical condition. We can work with certain physical limitations, please note this on your application. We also require that you are emotionally mature and stable, and be able to work well in a group setting.

Graduation requirements to receive certification:

  • Tuition must be paid in full

  • Attendance of at least 95% of in-class teacher training sessions. If students miss more than 10 hours they are required to attend additional approved workshops.

  • Successful completion of homework, quizzes, in-class and take-home final exams (don’t worry, you will be will prepared!)

  • Participation in a final in-class practice teaching practicum

  • Completion of 20 yoga classes with YTT teachers.

  • 5 karma yoga hours - pick a focus, beach clean up, volunteer at food pantry.

  • Satisfactory demonstration of teaching techniques including assisting. 

  • In both practice and teaching, the teacher trainer will demonstrate a keen awareness of their students, safety, dignity and self-esteem. 

*Prior to graduation TT faculty will meet to assess each training student’s progress in the course work. Students have 6 months from the end of the course to complete course requirements, unless an exception is granted. Any such communication must be submitted for review.


THE BIG PICTURE - I love my daily asana practice but I want to know more about other aspects of yoga- philosophy, anatomy, breathwork, chanting.

  • Our belief is that yoga philosophy is the foundation of your asana practice and asana is an embodiment of that philosophy. Each weekend you’ll experience the weaving together of yoga philosophy as you practice asana, mediation, pranayama and chanting.


THE LITTLE PICTURE - I want to understand more deeply how to refine my alignment and use breath and bandhas to make my practice more graceful and therapeutically sound.

  • You will go back and forth between intellectual anatomical study, hands on adjustment work and focused asana practice every day of the training to build a deep and personal awareness on many levels.


AYURVEDA - I want to learn practices that help me to be healthier - what foods are best for me, should I do a cleanse, what can I do to stay strong and beautiful as I get older?

  • Ayurveda is woven throughout the entire training. We believe that an understanding of general ayurvedic philosophy and a commitment to the daily self-care rituals makes you a better seer and listener, a healthier person and a more conscious teacher.


TEACHING - I know I want to teach yoga

  • From weekend one on you will begin teaching and building your teacher toolbox - intelligent cuing, finding your teaching voice, learning at least five strong sequences to start you off confidently, practicing adjustments over and over and over again.


NOT TEACHING - At this point I don't see myself teaching yoga I just really want to get stronger and to deepen my understanding of yoga.

  • There are so many opportunities throughout each weekend to practice asana and get stronger, to have the teacher’s eyes on you and opportunities to reflect on and refine your own practice. You will also learn chants and pranayama and study yoga philosophy in dedicated sessions along with reading assignments from classic yoga literature.

  • The exercises we do specifically to develop teaching ability are designed equally to deepen your self knowledge. Guiding other people develops your ability to see and then reflect and pushes you to get clear on the what and why of your own practice. The best teacher is simply a committed and thoughtful student.


9 Weekends: Saturdays & Sundays from 8-5PM

9/14, 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26, 11/9, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14

Plus Weekly Wednesdays or Fridays TBA : 3pm–7pm

Full Tuition: $3500 - enjoy an early bird discount of $500 if paid by July 31st

Payment plan - Deposit of $500 plus 2 payments of $1500 to be paid on or by 9/11 10/11, 11/11, 12/11

Full and partial scholarships may be available. Email jolie@mandalayoga.com to inquire.

A $500 deposit is due upon enrollment to reserve your spot. Cancelling more then 21 days before the start of the program will forfeit your entire deposit. Any remaining balance will be refunded. Once the program begins the program tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.


Please fill out the following information:



Jolie Parcher

ERYT 500, Patanjali School Of Yoga, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner From KSA, Certified Aromatherapist

Jolie is the Founder and Director of Mandala Yoga Center for Healing Arts, and has been a certified yoga teacher from The Patanjali Yoga Center in Kathmandu, Nepal since 1990. Jolie is certified as an Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Practitioner from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda and is trained as a practitioner of the Ayurvedic hands on Treatments as well as an Aromatherapist.

Her yoga classes guide you to maintain a steady synchronicity of breath and movement as a way to experience a deep listening of Self. She'll keep you moving in a strength-building flow incorporating steps along the way for your body and mind to fully embody the complexity of each posture. There is often Ayurvedic wisdom and tools for daily well-being woven throughout. As a student of the classic Ashtanga system she returns to that particular tradition to shape much of her sequencing. It's a practice that celebrates a vibrant life both on and off the mat.

Sheryl Hastalis

YA - ERYT 500, Asana, Pranayama - Vinyasa, Iyengar, Yoga Therapy. Philosophy, Mantra, Sanskrit, Meditation - Dr. Edwin Bryant, Russill Paul, Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan. BFA Dance - Adelphi U., MFA Arts Management - CUNY, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology - Kingsborough College.

Sheryl teaches anatomically detailed, exuberant vinyasa classes, interwoven with mantra, breathwork, and philosophy. All who attend classes with Sheryl, realize the vibrancy of yoga, moving towards the discovery of their own true nature, in sanskrit - Sat Chit Ananda - being consciousness, with an awakened heart. Sheryl has taught yoga, dance, and therapeutic movement modalities for over 4 decades. She is a practitioner as well as a teacher, and is blessed to practice and study Asana, Yoga and Tantric Philosophy, Sanskrit, Mantra, Pranayama, and Meditation daily with her mentors. Sheryl holds a variety of certifications in Yoga, Wellness Coaching, Fitness, and Rudolf Laban's Effort - Shape.

Renata Dibiase


Renata was first introduced to yoga as a teenager through dance training, but it was later during her undergraduate studies in New York City that she developed a daily practice. After years of being at odds with her body, she began taking refuge in a practice that made her feel more at home in her own skin. Exploration of various traditions, primarily astanga, Iyengar, and vinyasa, and centers of practice, including Mandala Yoga led her to Om Yoga Center (NYC) in 2002, where she was drawn to a method of intelligent movement that placed value on mindfulness of breath, alignment, and transition. In 2011, Renata completed her 200-hour certification under the guidance of Om Yoga’s founder Cyndi Lee and Edward Jones, along with Frank Mauro, Joe Miller, and Margi Young. In 2012, Renata joined the staff of Now Yoga, a small teaching collective founded by Om Yoga’s senior teachers in the wake of Om’s closing. In 2018, Renata left her career in book publishing to take over ownership and management of Now Yoga, opening the school’s first physical studio at Astor Place, where she has also led Now Yoga’s teacher training program. Her continuing education has most recently included the study of restorative yoga at the Kripalu Institute under Judith Hanson Lasater (2019). Renata teaches in a tradition that aims to meet the student where they’re at, employing practical yet creative sequencing to support a practice that’s at once both satisfyingly challenging and sustainably accessible.

Teacher Training — Mandala Yoga Center for Healing Arts (2024)
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