The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (2024)

The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (1)

The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (2)

  • Kathrin Spinnler
  • May 3, 2023
  • Comment Article On Forum


The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (3)

  • Kathrin Spinnler
  • May 3, 2023
  • Comment Article On Forum




The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is designed as a one-stop roadmap to financial freedom.

The author created the book for his adolescent daughter, who has little interest in investing and therefore needs an easy, automatic path to achieving her financial goals.

Since its publication in 2016, it has sold over 400,000 times and been translated into several other languages, including Japanese and German.

JL Collins has inspired thousands of people to take steps to better their finances and start investing sensibly.But what exactly is the “Simple Path”, and what can it do for you?

Is it applicable to investors in the UK and EU?

Let’s have a closer look at the main ideas and how you could make them work for you.


  • People interested in financial independence know that the core principles of the movement are very simple: save a large part of your income and invest it in the stock market.
  • The more you save and the less you spend, the sooner you’ll be financially free. This is the main message of the book, and JL Collins explains how anyone can apply these principles to their own life. His simple steps are as follows.
  • Save – 50% or more of your pre-tax income.
  • Invest – Allocate your savings between Vanguard’s Index Fund covering the entire US Stock Market and Vanguard’s US Bond Index Fund . The Stocks vs. Bonds Asset Allocation depends on where you are in your wealth-building journey and how much risk you’d like to take on.
  • Be Prepared – Keep some as cash for an emergency.
  • Be Tax-Efficient – Fill up all tax-advantaged accounts first.
  • Keep going – until you can live off 4% of your portfolio each year. Try to increase your savings rate as you get raises.

Here is the full analysis

It’s a big beautiful world out there. Money is a small part of it. But F*ck You Money buys you the freedom, resources and time to explore it on your own terms. Retired or not. Enjoy your journey.

JL Collins

JL Collins on the importance of having F*ck You Money


The Main Points of the Book

The steps outlined above are the core message of The Simple Path to Wealth, but Collins goes into more detail and explains the reasons behind this type of portfolio.

He starts the book off with some basic advice, then explains exactly how to implement his plan.

Towards the end, he also details how you can start to take advantage of the wealth you’ve built and how you could donate a part of your money in a tax-efficient way.


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Part 1: Orientation


No Debt & 50% Savings Rate

The first part serves to introduce people to the concepts and how they can benefit everyone.

Collins is very debt-averse, and he advises people to stay away from it and be cautious when others speak of “good debt”.

Despite this stance against debt, Collins’ method isn’t as black and white as Dave Ramsey’s, and he states that you can invest in the stock market if your debt’s interest rate is below 3-5%.

Unlike many other authors, he also encourages readers to shoot for a 50%+ savings rate, which makes this book more useful for people interested in retiring early.

3 Smart Ways of thinking about Money

Collins outlines three increasingly advanced ways of thinking about money.

Firstly, you should move away from the idea that it can only be spent and instead look at how investing could serve you.

Then, you can delve into the concept of opportunity cost. Any money you waste could have grown into massive amounts due to compounding.

Understanding this has been crucial to my own FI journey and has encouraged me to save more and think harder before spending.

Finally, he mentions thinking about investing as owning a small part of important companies.

That way, you won’t be as fazed by market fluctuations. You still own the same share of the company even if it is temporarily worth less.

It’s not hard. Stop thinking about what your money can buy. Start thinking about what your money can earn. And then think about what the money it earns can earn.

JL Collins

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The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (7)

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Part 2: On Building Wealth

Learn how to Invest

The largest part of the book deals with how to invest. Here, the simple path is explained in more detail, and Collins describes the various retirement and savings accounts available to US investors.

Although certain chapters of this section aren’t applicable to European investors, we can take it as a starting point and do our own research.

For example, can be your complementary resource to replace the US specific funds with a selection of ETFs for Europeans and build your own portfolio.

Also, every developed country will have tax-advantaged accounts, so it’s simply a matter of translating the information

Understand how the Stock Market works

Collins spends several chapters speaking about how the stock market works.

In essence, he argues that none of us can time the market, so we should behave rationally and simply invest a chunk of our income every month.

Corrections and crashes are a feature of the stock market and not a problem, so they shouldn’t change your strategy.

However, big events like the Great Depression or hyperinflation could significantly damage your portfolio.

Collins reassures us that most people won’t retire at the peak of such an event. They happen extremely infrequently, with the last one being several generations ago.

What’s more, stocks will go up with inflation, so your wealth will be protected.

Part 3: Magic Beans

Stock-picking and Vanguard

Because the most important part of investing is the psychology behind it, Collins spends more time in this section speaking about the danger of picking your own stocks.

He tried to time the market and choose stocks when he was younger, but he has since realized he could’ve done better by opting for a simple, low-cost index tracker.

Collins mentions Vanguard, which is the company I personally have chosen for the majority of investments, as the best place to go. It is owned by its funds, not an individual or shareholders.

For this reason, fees are much lower and everyone’s interests are aligned.

Unfortunately, Vanguard are not yet in operation in every EU country, but you can find their funds even if you have to choose another provider.

Hereis an article summarizing all you need to know about Vanguard in Europe.

In the UK, Vanguard have also recently started providing SIPPs (Self-Invested Pension Plans) at very advantageous rates.

Investing in one go

Towards the end of this part, Collins speaks about dollar cost averaging, which is the process of slowly investing a lump sum into the stock market instead of putting it in all at once, in an effort to avoid big losses.

Although it is a preferred strategy for many, he is against it (financial theoryconfirmshis view).

I personally have done dollar cost averaging before, but I see his point about the odds being stacked against you.

In most cases, it’s more sensible to invest the lump sum immediately, as the market tends to go up over time.


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Living off your portfolio

As someone with a high savings rate and plans to pursue FI, I found the final part of the book the most interesting.

It highlights what you can do once you reach financial independence.

Collins advises a withdrawal rate of 3-7%, and he states that he himself withdraws around 5% of his portfolio every year. In the future, he plans to decrease this percentage.

If usingVanguard in the UK, the actual withdrawal process is easy, as you can have a portion of your portfolio sent to your bank account every year.

Again, this may vary by country, but a simple call to your provider should clear things up.

Collins also speaks about Social Security. This might have a different name in your country, but the concept is likely similar.

While he understands that the amount you receive will decrease in future due to more people retiring, he is optimistic about the system and believes that it will be around in 50 years.

However, it’s best not to factor it into your FIRE calculations and simply see it as a bonus when it arrives.


I especially enjoyed that Collins dedicated a chapter to donating and how to do so effectively.

Again, the tax implications of giving away money to worthy causes vary by country, but the basic concepts are important for everyone.

Once you’ve reached financial independence, you have everything you need for a happy life, so helping others to achieve a better standard of living can be immensely rewarding.

I personally have started donating at least 1% of my income to effective causes, and I’m hoping to increase this as I come closer to FI.

JL Collins talks about his book (Talks at Google)


How we rated the book

Our overall rating comprises five key considerations, including suitability for beginners and European and UK readers.



1. Beginner-Friendly


2. Investing Concepts


3.Investing How-to (Europe)


4. Financial Freedom Principles


5. Personal Finance Know-how




1. Beginner-Friendly


2. Investing Concepts


3. Investing How-to (Europe)


4. Financial Freedom Principles


5. Personal Finance Know-how



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Rating justification

A great starting point

As you can see, The Simple Path to Wealth covers a lot of ground, albeit often from a US investor perspective.

Although there are some UK or Europe-focused books on simple investing, it’s still worth picking this one up because the focus is on reaching financial independence at an early age, which isn’t covered in conventional books.

Collins’ perspective is unique and illuminating. For example, the book made me think twice about dollar cost averaging, and I might change the way I invest lump sums in the future.

What’s more, achieving financial independence is challenging, and you have to stick to it for many years.

I love having resources such as this one that remind me I’m on the right path.

Key principles and concepts explained

The Simple Path to Wealthby JL Collins is a comprehensive account of how to reach financial independence with minimal hassle.

Published in 2016, much of the content is relevant to investors around the world, and the author outlines the whole process, including what to do when you’re ready to draw down your investments.

In summary, this book ticks all boxes as to the understanding you will need of key investing concepts and financial independence principles.

The missing bits

As a next step, you will need to cover specifics related to European Personal Finance, including European tax regimes, tax wrappers etc.

Finally, investing in Europe is a bit more involved and this part is clearly missing.

For instance, we wouldn’t advise Europeans to buy US-centric Index Funds, but rather a mix of aWorld ETF and aGlobal Bond ETF.

Or you could consider a Vanguard ETF that simply combines the twoit’s quite easy!

But it won’t take you more than a week to understand all the aspects to apply JL Colins’ principles to our European investing landscape.

We have complied allresources for beginnershere.

In most cases, this will be enough to get you started.

If you want to build a tailored portfolio, make sure you get familiar with sometechnical aspects.

Thank you for reading.
Good Luck and Keep’em* Rolling!

(* Wheels & Dividends)


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I'm an avid enthusiast with extensive knowledge in personal finance, investments, and the pursuit of financial independence. I've delved into various strategies and philosophies, and one topic that caught my attention is "The Simple Path to Wealth" by JL Collins, as discussed in the article you provided.

The book presents a one-stop roadmap to financial freedom, originally created for the author's daughter. It emphasizes the core principles of saving a significant portion of your income and investing it wisely in the stock market. Since its publication in 2016, it has gained widespread popularity, selling over 400,000 copies and being translated into multiple languages.

Key Concepts from the Article:

  1. Save and Invest:

    • Save at least 50% of your pre-tax income.
    • Allocate savings between Vanguard’s Index Fund covering the entire US Stock Market and Vanguard’s US Bond Index Fund.
  2. Be Prepared:

    • Keep some cash for emergencies.
  3. Tax Efficiency:

    • Fill up all tax-advantaged accounts first.
  4. Savings Rate:

    • Increase your savings rate as you get raises.
  5. Investing Strategy:

    • Understand the importance of a no-debt approach and aim for a 50%+ savings rate.
    • Three smart ways of thinking about money: move away from spending, consider opportunity cost, and think of investing as owning a small part of important companies.
  6. Building Wealth:

    • Learn how to invest, including retirement and savings accounts available to US investors.
    • Understand how the stock market works and the rationale behind consistent, rational investment despite market fluctuations.
  7. Vanguard and Stock Picking:

    • Emphasizes the dangers of picking individual stocks and recommends low-cost index trackers.
    • Highlights Vanguard as a preferred investment platform.
  8. Early Retirement:

    • Discusses living off your portfolio with a withdrawal rate of 3-7%.
    • Addresses the importance of Social Security or similar systems.
  9. Donating:

    • Dedicates a chapter to effective donating after achieving financial independence.
  10. Book Review:

    • The article provides an overall rating of 4/5 for the book, covering aspects like beginner-friendliness, investing concepts, how-to for Europe, financial freedom principles, and personal finance know-how.
  11. Limitations for European Investors:

    • Acknowledges that certain chapters may not be directly applicable to European investors but suggests adapting the information to local contexts.

In conclusion, "The Simple Path to Wealth" offers a comprehensive guide to financial independence, with a focus on simplicity and long-term wealth-building strategies. It's crucial to adapt some concepts for different regions, as outlined in the article. If you have any specific questions or want more details on certain aspects, feel free to ask!

The Simple Path To Wealth (Book Review) (2024)


Is The Simple Path to Wealth worth it? ›

“The Simple Path to Wealth” is undoubtedly an excellent introductory course for anyone new to the world of investment and personal finance. Collins uncomplicates the often confusing lingo and intricacies of how to handle your money.

What index fund does Simple Path to Wealth recommend? ›

The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is financial independence canon. The premise boils down to elegant simplicity: Spend 50% of your income and invest the other 50% in one specific index fund, VTSAX.

What is The Simple Path to Wealth summary? ›

Brief summary

The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins offers practical and straightforward advice on financial independence and retiring early. It provides actionable strategies and insights for growing wealth and achieving financial security in the long run.

What is The Simple Path to Wealth advice? ›

The Simple Path to Wealth: 5 key investing lessons by JL Collins
  • Living within your financial limits. The foundation for wealth-building lies in living beneath your means. ...
  • Putting money into low-cost index funds. ...
  • Adopting a long-term perspective. ...
  • Set your investments on auto mode. ...
  • Don't incur debt.
Dec 21, 2023

What investments does Robert Kiyosaki recommend? ›

It's worth noting that in addition to dollar-cost averaging into the stock market, Kiyosaki recommends accumulating gold, silver, bitcoin and real estate. This is where Kiyosaki's investment philosophy gets a bit more controversial.

What are the 4 path to wealth? ›

The “Savers-Investors” path is the easiest, while the other three involve much more risk.
  • The Saver-Investors path. Just less than 22% of the millionaires in my study chose to take the Saver-Investors path. ...
  • The Dreamers path. ...
  • The Company Climbers path. ...
  • The Virtuosos path.
Sep 27, 2019

What does Dave Ramsey recommend to invest in? ›

Ramsey recommends investing in four types of mutual funds: growth and income funds, growth funds, aggressive growth funds, and international funds. What is Dave Ramsey's recommended asset allocation? Ramsey recommends a 100% stock portfolio, with no allocation to bonds or other fixed-income investments.

What is the 72 rule in wealth management? ›

The Rule of 72 is a calculation that estimates the number of years it takes to double your money at a specified rate of return. If, for example, your account earns 4 percent, divide 72 by 4 to get the number of years it will take for your money to double. In this case, 18 years.

What should be the savings rate simple path to wealth? ›

His simple steps are as follows. Save – 50% or more of your pre-tax income.

What are the 3 steps in JL Collins' simple path to wealth? ›

Collins's “simple path” is: Spend less than you make, invest the extra in index funds, and stay out of debt. If you follow this prescription, you'll end up wealthy and live a more fulfilling life.

What are the 6 basic rules of investing Robert Kiyosaki? ›

  • The Six(6) Basic Rules for Investing-Robert Kiyosaki. ...
  • Rule #1: Know what kind of income you're investing for: ...
  • Rule #2: Convert ordinary income into passive income: ...
  • Rule #3: The investor is the asset or the liability: ...
  • Rule #4: Be prepared: ...
  • Rule #5: Good deals attract money:

What did JL Collins do for a living? ›

JL Collins is a financial expert and author.

The author of “The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life”, Mr. Collins offers easy-to-understand, effective guidance and resources to understand investing with confidence.

What is the 4% rule simple path to wealth? ›

When you can live on 4% of your investments per year, you are financially independent. There are many things money can buy, but the most valuable of all is freedom. Freedom to do what you want and to work for whom you respect. Try saving and investing 50% of your income.

Is The Simple Path to Wealth worth reading? ›

JL Collins The Simple Path to Wealth is one of the best personal finance books I have ever read. This book is full of to the point, practical, realistic advice not hidden behind some gimmick or get lucky situation. Let me be clear, none of this book is revolutionary or insider information that Mr Collins was privy to.

What is the number one rule wealth? ›

1 – Never lose money. Let's kick it off with some timeless advice from legendary investor Warren Buffett, who said “Rule No. 1 is never lose money.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.