Twitter Guide for Beginners: How to Use Twitter | Mailchimp (2024)

Twitter can be a great tool for companies who want to increase visibility and connect with their audience. Learn how to use Twitter with this helpful guide.

Social media can be a great way for businesses to grow an audience, connect with their customers, and develop a brand. Using social media, you can connect with customers on a more personal level and promote your products and services. In the digital age, social media marketing is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing.

If you’re thinking about starting a Twitter account for your business, you might be wondering how to create a Twitter account and build your following. Twitter can seem a little complicated at first, but you can get your Twitter account off the ground with a few simple tips. Using social media tools can also help you gain a Twitter following and streamline the process of posting to your Twitter account.

As a business owner, you should understand how to leverage social media as part of your digital marketing strategy. Using social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram can give your brand a boost without spending a lot of money. Plus, you can build a rapport with customers by showing them you know your stuff. You can even follow a Twitter guide for beginners to make things easier on yourself.

So, how does Twitter work and how can you get started?

In this guide, we’ll talk about how you can start your own Twitter account and build a following to boost your business. Keep reading for our full guide on how to use Twitter for beginners.

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a social media website where users can post short text messages, videos, images, animated GIFs, polls, and more. Each post on Twitter is called a “tweet”, and each tweet consists of a maximum of 280 characters. These tweets are a great way to get a short bit of information out to followers, whether it’s an announcement about a product, a link to a blog post, or a poll you’re using to gather information.

As of 2022, Twitter has 229 million monetizable daily active users across the globe. At the very least, your business should have a Twitter account to help boost your web presence. Even if you’re not especially active on Twitter, it gives your customers another way to find you and connect with your brand online.

What is Twitter used for?

Twitter is a social media platform that’s used by both businesses and individuals. This means that Twitter content can range from advertisem*nts to simple jokes and thoughts that an individual might have. As a brand, it’s important to understand how Twitter works and how you can use that knowledge to interact with Twitter users.

Brands use Twitter to promote content related to their brand. For example, you might tweet out a link to a sale you’re currently having, or maybe your tweets will include links to events you’re holding in the near future. For brands, Twitter can be a great way to reach a larger audience and promote sales, products, and events in a more organic way.

Individuals use Twitter for many different reasons. Some people have a Twitter account to follow their favorite athletes while others use Twitter to post one-liners and opinions. A lot of Twitter users follow some of their favorite brands online as well though, which means you can build a rapport with some of your customers by frequently posting valuable content.

How Does Twitter Work?

Twitter is what’s known as a micro-blogging platform, which means it’s essentially used as a blog that’s limited to shorter posts. Even a short blog post typically consists of a few hundred words, but a tweet consists of a maximum of 280 characters. In a lot of cases, tweets consist of fewer than 50 words.

When a user publishes a tweet to the world, other Twitter users can interact with that tweet in various ways. Users can click the heart-shaped button to “like” a tweet, or they can click the button that’s made of arrows going in a circular pattern to “retweet” a tweet and share it with their followers. Users also have the option of using a “quote tweet” where they can retweet a tweet and add their own text.

Like most social media platforms, Twitter allows users to comment on public posts as well. Keeping in touch with your customers through Twitter replies can be a great way to build and manage customer relationships, especially if you’re targeting a demographic that uses Twitter.

How to Use Twitter: A Guide for Beginners

If you’re new to Twitter, you might be looking for a Twitter guide for beginners. The good news is that starting a Twitter account for your business is easy, especially if you’re willing to spend some time curating your content and building a following. In this section, we’ll talk about how to create a Twitter account and build a solid following.

Twitter Guide for Beginners: How to Use Twitter | Mailchimp (2)

1. Create a Twitter account

To get started on Twitter, the first thing you need to do is create your Twitter account. Creating a Twitter account is as simple as providing a bit of basic information and choosing a name for your Twitter account. In addition to your display name, you’ll need to choose a unique name that’s known as your handle. This handle is how other users will find your company’s Twitter account.

When it comes to your Twitter handle, you want to choose something simple that’s easy to remember. Try to avoid using too many special characters and numbers in your name so that you can make it easier to read and write.

2. Upload a profile picture

Your profile picture is one of the first things people see on your Twitter, so choose a profile picture that represents your brand. This could be a picture of your storefront, or it could be a brand logo or something similar. You don’t have to spend too much time finding a good profile picture, but you should at least find something that fits your brand.

3. Write your bio

When people visit your Twitter profile, your bio is one of the first things they’re going to see. This bio should contain some basic information about your brand, including anything important you want people to know when they first visit your profile. You can also include any hashtags related to your brand, as well as your location in the “Location” section of your profile.

4. Link to your website

If you want your tweets to help grow your website, you need to make sure your Twitter profile has a link to your website. If one of your posts gets a lot of impressions and people start visiting your profile, you want them to see a link to your website as quickly as possible. You can do this by adding a link under the “Website” section. If you want to add multiple links to your bio, you can also include links in the written portion of your bio.

5. Follow other users

Twitter isn’t much good if you’re not interacting with people, so take some time to follow other users who may be in a similar industry as you. Twitter can help you find people to follow based on your interests, or you can start by searching for the names of some of the people and brands you want to follow. Following and interacting with other users is a great way to increase visibility and help boost your brand.

The last thing you need to do to take advantage of Twitter is share content. Your content can be anything you want it to be, but the main goal should be getting people to read, reply, and share. The more people start to look at your content and share it on their own timelines, the more that content will start to spread and reach a larger audience.

Good examples of shareable content include informative blog posts, videos about your products or services, links to sales and deals, infographics, and funny content. As is the case when you build a website, the content you choose depends on your brand and the tone you want it to have.

Twitter Terminology Explained

When you’re just getting started, Twitter can be a little confusing with all the terminology people use. From tweets to mentions and handles, there are a lot of simple words that take on different meanings when it comes to Twitter. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular Twitter terminology.


A Twitter handle is the unique name that people use to find your Twitter profile. When people say their Twitter handle, they typically say “at” before their handle; this is written as “@[your handle]”. Your Twitter handle is also used in the URL for your profile page, where you can find it after the “/” at the end of the Twitter URL.

When you start an account, take some time to find a good handle that’s not too complex. You want a Twitter handle that’s easy to type and read, so try to avoid overusing numbers or special characters.


Hashtags are one of the most important aspects of Twitter, especially if you’re a brand trying to reach a larger audience. Each hashtag starts with “#” followed by a single word or combination of words. When a Twitter user clicks a hashtag, they can look at all the recent Tweets that have used that hashtag. Using hashtags in tweets can help you reach a larger audience, including people who don’t follow you.


When someone sees a post they like, they can express that by clicking the “Like” button. The “Like” button is a small, heart-shaped button that’s found beneath every tweet. When a person likes a tweet, the number of likes is displayed next to the heart. People can look at what others have liked on Twitter, and those liked posts will even show up on the timelines of users who don’t follow you from time to time.


When a person types “@” followed by your Twitter handle, you get a notification when the tweet is sent; this is known as mentioning someone. It’s common for big brands to mention celebrities in their posts, whether they’re working on an ad campaign together or simply trying to engage with another profile.

Keep in mind that mentions can be annoying if you overuse them. For the best results, you should try to use mentions somewhat sparingly.

Quote tweet

A quote tweet is like a quote from the old days of forums. When you quote a tweet, you’re sharing the original tweet and adding your own thoughts to it. You might use a quote tweet to voice an opinion or respond to your customers in public. When you quote a tweet, it’s shown on your timeline as one of your tweets.

Quote tweets can be a great way to interact with your customers and jump into conversations to help grow your Twitter presence. Simply quoting a tweet and sharing your opinion on a topic can give your brand a big boost.


If you simply want to share a tweet without adding any of your own thoughts, you can retweet it. The retweet button is the same as the quote tweet button; you’ll be given the option between retweeting and quote tweeting once you click the button. If you choose to retweet a tweet, this button should turn green and you should be good to go.

While retweets can be a good way to share valuable content with your followers, try to avoid spamming your timeline with retweets.


A Twitter thread is a group of several related tweets. People use threads to have a slightly longer conversation about a topic, with some threads including more than a dozen tweets. If you have strong feelings about something or you want to share some valuable information with customers, threads can help you provide a little more detail.

Tips for Using Twitter

Getting started with Twitter is simple enough, but using it properly can be tough. Here are some tips for using Twitter for your business.

Twitter Guide for Beginners: How to Use Twitter | Mailchimp (3)

Define branding guidelines

Start by establishing clear branding guidelines that you can use as a guide for your tweets and Twitter presence. You can use tools to manage digital assets to make it easier to keep your branding consistent, but deciding on clear branding guidelines is an important first step.

You should try to find a post format you can reuse, which may include the fonts and colors you use in images you share, your tone of voice, and more. As a brand, you need to be aware of how your tweets reflect on your company.

If you’re not sure what sort of look, feel, or presence your brand should have on Twitter, you can always look at your website for inspiration.

Engage with your audience

Engaging with your audience is the most important part of using Twitter the right way. This starts with creating interesting content that gets people to look at and share your tweets, but that’s not all you have to do. When somebody quotes one of your tweets with a question or gives you constructive criticism on one of your tweets, you should take the time to respond to them. Responding to your customers (and potential customers) can help you build trustworthiness and establish brand authority.

You can also engage with your audience by liking and retweeting tweets that your customers share, especially tweets that mention your brand. The more you can do to keep your audience engaged and ready to read your posts, the better off your brand will be.

Track performance

Social media marketing doesn’t do you a whole lot of good if you can’t measure its performance. Our final tip for using Twitter for your business is to track the performance of your tweets regularly to see how you’re doing. Are your tweets getting a lot of impressions? If so, are people who view your tweet liking or sharing it?

Of course, tracking your performance is only part of the battle. If you notice certain types of tweets don’t perform particularly well, consider switching those tweets up a bit or eliminating them altogether. Taking action based on performance data is an essential part of successful social media marketing.

Final Notes

Twitter is a great social media marketing tool if you use it right, but there’s a bit of a learning curve. As a business owner, it’s important that you take the time to figure out the basics of social media and how to use social media to boost brand awareness and marketing efforts.

With Mailchimp, marketing is a whole lot easier. Mailchimp offers email marketing, social media marketing, and automation tools that make it easy to create high-quality marketing campaigns for your business. If your marketing campaign could use a jump start, try Mailchimp today.

Twitter Guide for Beginners: How to Use Twitter | Mailchimp (2024)


How to use Twitter effectively for beginners? ›

In this section, we'll talk about how to create a Twitter account and build a solid following.
  1. Create a Twitter account. To get started on Twitter, the first thing you need to do is create your Twitter account. ...
  2. Upload a profile picture. ...
  3. Write your bio. ...
  4. Link to your website. ...
  5. Follow other users. ...
  6. Share content.

How to use Twitter for beginners in 2024? ›

Create a Twitter Account
  1. Go to
  2. You can select an email address or log in with your Facebook account.
  3. Submit basic information like your name, phone number (optional) and a handle.
  4. A handle is how other users will find you on the platform. ...
  5. Select a password for your account.
Jun 7, 2024

What is Twitter and how do you use it? ›

Twitter is a free social networking site where users broadcast short posts known as tweets. These tweets can contain text, videos, photos or links. To access Twitter, users need an internet connection or smart phone to use the app or website,

What does QT mean on Twitter? ›

Retweets can also be quote tweets, or QT, where additional commentary is added to the original tweet.

Is it better to reply or quote a tweet? ›

Quote tweeting, unlike regular replies, allows you to respond to someone's tweet and have your response shared on your feed together with the original tweet, so that both the OP and your followers can see your response. As such, quote tweeting is a less direct way to respond to someone's tweet.

What should I Tweet first on Twitter? ›

Introduce yourself by sending your first tweet

It's not going to be anything earth-shattering, and you won't have any followers (yet) to see it, but it will let people know you are a real person or business and not a robot or spammer. Make the tweet something simple; your introduction to the Twitter world.

How do you get to your first Tweet on Twitter? ›

How To Find Your First Tweet Without Scrolling?
  1. Go to your X profile page. ...
  2. Open on a desktop browser.
  3. Enter your username under the Accounts section in the From These Accounts field.
  4. In Dates, select your date range.

Should you retweet your own tweets? ›

Absolutely, you should do it. In fact, it's one of the growth strategies for "personal branding" on Twitter.

Does Twitter still use hashtags? ›

Yes, Twitter hashtags still have an impact when you use them in the posts or tweets you protect. Only users who follow you can view your tweets if you make your profile private. What happens when you use hashtags? Your posts won't go public if you include keywords and phrases with the pound symbol (#).

What is Twitter best used for? ›

Twitter is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience.

How does Twitter work for dummies? ›

10 steps to use Twitter
  1. Set up your profile.
  2. Follow relevant accounts.
  3. Understand the Twitter lingo.
  4. Decide what content to Tweet.
  5. Choose your Twitter voice.
  6. Write your first Tweet.
  7. Join trending hashtags.
  8. Maintain your channel.
Nov 30, 2023

Who sees my tweets? ›

Tweets are public by default, which means that anyone can see them, even if they don't follow you. However, if you have no followers, the number of people who see your tweets will be limited.

Why is Twitter easy to use? ›

It's easy to use: after creating your profile, you just write things down and boom! Your content is there for the world to see! Hashtag power: Twitter was the first network introducing the use of hashtags, and they are used to index keywords and topics, making it easy to find interesting subjects to follow.

How do you use Twitter most effectively? ›

15 ways to use Twitter Effectively!
  1. #1: Share the content your audience 'wants' to here, in 'your' brand voice. ...
  2. #2: Twitter strives on Keywords. ...
  3. #3: Only post what is relevant. ...
  4. #4: Use Search Features to understand your client. ...
  5. #5: Engage with the right people. ...
  6. #6: Icebreakers aren't just for offline.

What is the best strategy for Twitter? ›

10 Twitter marketing tips to influence your strategy
  1. Strengthen your brand Twitter profile. ...
  2. Audit your Twitter account. ...
  3. Find your brand voice on Twitter. ...
  4. Use Twitter hashtags and trends. ...
  5. Run Twitter ads for optimal reach. ...
  6. Tweet when your audience is most active. ...
  7. Maintain a content calendar and schedule Tweets.
Sep 8, 2023

How do I start engaging on Twitter? ›

Start engaging with people on Twitter by following these tried-and-true tips.
  1. Post native media. Go beyond 280 characters and add videos, GIFs, and photos to your Tweets. ...
  2. Optimize your content. ...
  3. Connect with what's happening. ...
  4. Start a conversation.

What should I tweet first on Twitter? ›

Introduce yourself by sending your first tweet

It's not going to be anything earth-shattering, and you won't have any followers (yet) to see it, but it will let people know you are a real person or business and not a robot or spammer. Make the tweet something simple; your introduction to the Twitter world.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.