What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (2024)

Last updated on Jul 26, 2024

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Skills and knowledge


Productivity and efficiency


Safety and compliance


Communication and teamwork


Here’s what else to consider

Evaluating the performance of individual maintenance technicians is crucial for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of plant operations. However, it can also be challenging, as different factors may affect the quality and quantity of their work. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance, based on the following criteria:

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  • Abdullah AlQahtani - FMP - 6 sigma Black Belt Senior Electrical Engineer - Operation and Maintenance Director

    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (3) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (4) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (5) 30

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  • Paul Coughlin Independent contractor

    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (7) 7

  • Shaine Watt Senior Maintenance Manager @ Amazon LUK2 ARS

    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (9) 7

What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (10) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (11) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (12)

1 Skills and knowledge

Evaluating maintenance technician performance requires assessing their level of skills and knowledge in their field. This can be done through certifications and training to verify their qualifications, testing and assessment to check their knowledge of the equipment, procedures, and standards they work with, as well as feedback and coaching to help them improve. Providing constructive feedback and coaching based on their strengths and weaknesses is key for helping technicians develop their skills.

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  • Paul Coughlin Independent contractor

    Hiring based on paperwork alone is a key mistake most organizations make.First and foremost..hiring managers should at the very least possess the skills of the position they are trying to fill.In most cases HR departments see only the presented qualifications and not the true individual. I have seen too many times where reality is no where near the fantasy which "papered" employees portray.


    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (21) 7

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  • Wajahat Haleem Mechanical Engineering Professional

    I believe the most important ability of any Technical person is to work independently and if you take a step ahead to complete tasks without supervision..This ability will ultimately define the performance level. If one can do it as described above and it will be only possible if one has almost all the skill set desired for Technician to become Gold rated. At least it always works for me.


    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (30) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (31) 3

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  • Shaine Watt Senior Maintenance Manager @ Amazon LUK2 ARS

    The best of the best know there is always more to lean and they are open to additional training and seek to improve every time they undertake a task. Evaluating technicians means always seeking to funnel knowledge to them and seeing them willing to receive. Be that though peer networks, in-house training or engagement with external trainers. I am always very suspicious of people who claim to “know the best way” and who are not open to input from others. After 30+ years in this business I can still be surprised by new ways of undertaking tasks and new ways of thinking. I pride myself on always being open to someone else’s method and that’s what I seek in my technicians - a constant desire to learn more and be better.


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  • Evaluation/ gap analysis means the maintenance team should have an SOP.|Currently, many tools/software are available to evaluate the technician's skills and knowledge about relevant machines and technology. Based on the question answers and different levels of skills ,compare to the SOP and accordingly suggest the required training and certification. It contains safety standards, Hydraulic, Electrics, Driveline, and Electronics. It helps a lot to evaluate and improve their skills and knowledge transparently.

  • Juan Carlos Godoz Gestor de Manutenção | Projetos | Gerente | Gerenciamento | Gestor de Equipe | Negócios | Resultados |

    A habilidade técnica é medida pela capacidade de inovar, não é possível um técnico ser excelente se ele mantem os equipamentos funcionando apenas com base no passado, não atualizando as tecnologias e práticas ao que é mais moderno.



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2 Productivity and efficiency

Evaluating maintenance technician performance involves assessing their productivity and efficiency, which reflects their ability to complete tasks on time, within budget, and with minimal errors. This can be done by tracking the number, type, and status of the work orders and reports the technician handles, monitoring the time and cost spent on each work order, and reviewing the quality and accuracy of the work done. Additionally, you should check for any defects, errors, or rework. Comparing these metrics with expected benchmarks and goals can also provide valuable insights into the technician's performance.

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  • Brandyn Lemmon Reliability Maintenance Engineer Planner - Amazon - Global Reliability Team

    Utilizing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) is an integral part of any technical grading process. Proper application and understanding of the KPIs needs to be inherent in nature, and accurately communicated so methodologies can be aligned. Understanding the balance between speed/cost and quality/accuracy can be a very challenging tightrope. Being able to properly calculate and follow these, can lead to big gains in your productivity and efficiency. Pairing the KPIs with continuous improvement ideologies can help your team further increase productivity and efficiency while keeping all other factors aligned.


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  • Productivity and efficiency are good KPIs to measure technician performance and it will allow the maintenance team to analyze the gap in the system to improve resource and talent allocation to improve the overall team productivity and efficiency. For this data quality should be good and from a reliable source, like CMMS. These KPIs of individual technicians will also indicate the required technical and social (team work) training.


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  • Mushtaq Hussaini Maintenance Planning, SAP PM, Senior Planner SABIC

    Efficiency of technician can be measured given to him the objectives & targets aligned with the KPIs of department. Monthly or quarterly assessments is required for evaluating the performance. It can be measured by his contributions towards maintenance failure reductions, generating ideas towards decreasing MTTR, number of innovative suggestions (Kaizen) , zero incidents.

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  • Rafael Almeida Tecnólogo em Automação Industrial

    O técnico de manutenção além de ter uma boa capacidade de entregar atividades nos prazos estipulados, de maneira eficaz também deve ser capaz de relatar em detalhes as atividades executadas, bem como as não executadas.Entregar resultado é fácil, basta finalizar uma ordem de manutenção, mas para que ela seja bem executada devemos prover ao profissional recursos técnicos e materiais para o bom desenvolvimento das atividades.Um bom profissional de manutenção também deverá saber descrever e relatar em detalhes os motivos de uma determinada atividade não ter sido executada, de modo a justificar com propriedade as necessidades de reprogramar uma atividade ou até mesmo de prover os recursos necessários.


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3 Safety and compliance

Evaluating a maintenance technician's performance should include assessing their safety and compliance, which reflects their adherence to the rules, regulations, and best practices that govern their work. This can be done through inspections and audits to check the technician's compliance with the safety and quality standards, policies, and procedures of the plant. Additionally, any incidents or accidents involving the technician should be recorded and investigated, with an analysis of their causes, consequences, and corrective actions. Lastly, awards and recognition should be given to the technician for their outstanding performance in safety and compliance. Doing so encourages them to share their best practices with others.

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  • Anele Onyenwereiheya Maintenance Planner / Supervisor

    Very key. A technician must be safety conscious at all times. A technician must follow all laid down safety procedures and consider his safety and those around him before attempting a task. ''One accident is one too many'' (borrowed)


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  • Rafael Almeida Tecnólogo em Automação Industrial

    Todo profissional independente de sua área de atuação deverá prezar pela segurança e conformidade de suas atividades.Nos dias atuais SEGURANÇA é uma VALOR inegociável, e como tal também deverá ser praticado o CUIDADO ATIVO, zelando pela integridade física de quem atua junto ao profissional.Segurança e conformidade andam de mão dadas de modo a fazer com que todo e qualquer profissional volte ÍNTEGRO para o seu lar e também respeite as DIRETRIZES da empresa de modo a evitar sanções ou penalizações.


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4 Communication and teamwork

Evaluating maintenance technician performance involves assessing their communication and teamwork, which demonstrate their ability to collaborate, share information, and solve problems. This can be done through feedback and ratings from the technician's peers, supervisors, and customers; observing and taking part in meetings and discussions; and reviewing the projects and initiatives they participate in. By employing these methods, you can evaluate each technician's performance objectively and identify areas of improvement. This will help you boost the performance of your plant operations and guarantee the optimal functioning of your equipment.

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  • Shaine Watt Senior Maintenance Manager @ Amazon LUK2 ARS

    Communication is key. Having a technician who is a super star and can fix anything may seem like a huge win - however if that star is tribal with their knowledge then your reliance on them is a risk. All members of the team need to be able to share and draw from each others and your networks experience to leverage that for results. This means that correct documentation on Work Orders / Task assignments / Reports is key to ensuring that there is skill set expanding beyond that of any single technician. I’d rather have a few great technicians who communicate well and share lessons learned, than a super star who is relied upon but fails at communicating. I am always gauging my team’s ability to share knowledge as a top tier skill


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  • Assessing, Team building, experiencing are all part of regular day to day activities to look in,I look at technician learning methodology by correlating things theoretically with basics what they are taught in classroom. He would be succeeding and experiencing much better satisfaction when he get to know the things taught in class room are practically working on shop floor in reality. Make it easy learning process to enjoy and experience the joy of learning methodology.


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  • David Conley Enrolled in WGU Leavitt school of business

    Elaborating on the super star tech comment. Maybe having one that does share their knowledge or brings the questions to SMEs to gain more insight. One who wants to not only work to understand but works to grow themselves and the capabilities of others. This is a valuable asset without management even needing to be involved. This person takes it to the next level of leadership.

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  • Juan Carlos Godoz Gestor de Manutenção | Projetos | Gerente | Gerenciamento | Gestor de Equipe | Negócios | Resultados |

    Os melhores, são os que contribuem para o crescimento da equipe, sugerem e estão abertos a sugestões. Mostram individualmente os caminhos que podem ser seguidos sem que os parceiros sintam-se diminuídos. Essa habilidade de ser a fonte de consulta dos outros é o principal indicativo de que aquele técnico trabalha em equipe.


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5 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Abdullah AlQahtani - FMP - 6 sigma Black Belt Senior Electrical Engineer - Operation and Maintenance Director

    I totally agree with the above mentioned techniques , but I would recommend to activate a quality control program.Root causes analysis for the major failures is also an indicator to measure quality of labors, processes and used spare parts.


    What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (152) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (153) What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (154) 30

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  • Cecil P. Experienced Mine Maintenance Leader

    The attention to detail, working incident free as well as the quantity and quality of work performed. When any of these are lacking, constructive feedback usually corrects the concern.


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  • christian gallegos Jr manager de Mantenimiento en planta Carrocerias en Cooperation Manufacturing Plant Aguascalientes

    A mi me ha resultado medir el MTTR como indicativo de la habilidad de los técnicos y el MTBF como calidad de la reparaciones



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  • Ashik Shameer A Installation and maintenance engineer.

    Identifying the root cause is the most valuable quality I consider in a technician. It's the aspect that truly engages their brain. Other qualities typically develop with 1 or 2 years of experience, but pinpointing the cause of a problem requires independent work and critical thinking.


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  • Leonard Violette Automation Controls/ Maintenance Management

    Now a days it’s hard to find maintenance people to fix much of anything. Come in to the field with no skills and learn very little.


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What are the best ways to evaluate individual maintenance technician performance? (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.