Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (2024)

People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) usually need constant admiration, praise, and attention from others.

Narcissists readily embrace the above qualities from others since they require lots of positive attention and feedback to feed their fragile, sensitive egos.

However, when people with NPD don’t get their way or feel slighted by others, this may cause them to fly off the handle and engage in narcissistic rage.

Narcissistic rage

The term “narcissistic rage” was initially coined by Heinz Kohut (1972) to describe how those with narcissistic personality disorder react to perceived criticism or (often innocent) remarks from others.

It’s common for someone with NPD to fly off the handle without an apparent reason or justified cause for such behaviour.

These individuals do not need much baiting or provocation to get angry or direct their narcissistic rage at others.

The narcissist

Narcissists do not react well to constructive criticism or other peoples’ boundaries.

When confronted about their behaviour, it’s not uncommon for narcissists to respond with narcissistic rage.

It’s challenging for narcissists to deal with negative feedback because it contradicts their beliefs about themselves, whether these traits are focused on self-entitlement, perfectionism, or grandiosity.

Essentially, narcissists do not like their character, self-image, or behaviour to be challenged in any way.

These are all hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder you must be aware of to protect yourself from future narcissistic rage or abuse.

Support is always on hand.

This article will explore narcissistic rage and how you can protect yourself from an angry narcissist.

There are various ways you can do this; however, if you feel isolated, alone, or uncertain about how to deal with the narcissist in your life, help, and support are always on hand.

Contact our friendly staff at Camino Recovery, who can help.

Dealing with narcissistic rage

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (1)

According to researchers, when narcissists are injured, their usual response is anger.

Recipients of narcissistic rage may experience various emotions when this happens; some of the more common feelings induced by narcissistic rage are fear, terror, and anxiety.

Victims of narcissistic rage must be conscious not to trigger more anger from the narcissist – learning how to protect yourself from the narcissist is vital to your well-being and safety.

Let’s look at narcissistic rage in more detail.

What is narcissistic rage?

It can be challenging to predict what triggers the narcissist to become angry.

And because each individual is so different, the narcissists’ triggers are likely to reflect these differences.

However, a common theme for most narcissists is the discomfort they experience when you (or someone else) confront them about their bad behaviour, set boundaries or when providing negative feedback.

Out of control

Narcissistic rage is often the “go-to” response for narcissists who feel threatened or attacked by others in some way.

All this may include sudden, intense outbursts of anger that can involve verbal threats, aggression, and violence.

What to expect from the angry narcissist

Again, each person’s responses vary – and depending on what type of narcissist you are dealing with, the reaction you get from a narcissist may be entirely different from what you might expect.

When a narcissist is injured, anything goes.

Here, the narcissist’s defences are exacerbated. Thus their reactions may vary from mild agitation to a full-blown physical or verbal attack (sometimes both).

Deflect, project and gaslight

Those with narcissistic personality disorder use various defence mechanisms when their sense of self is questioned or when they feel slighted by others.

Some narcissists respond to all this by deflecting the blame onto others.

While other narcissists will project their feelings and motivations outwards, accusing others of what they are guilty of saying or doing.

In addition, many narcissists cope with their rage by gaslighting their friends, family, and co-workers.

Narcissistic abuse

On the other hand, some narcissists will resort to violence and threats and may even become extremely dangerous.

Because of how unpredictable their behaviour can be, you must understand the warning signs of narcissistic rage and how to protect yourself.

Warning signs of narcissistic rage

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (2)

Let’s start by saying that narcissistic rage differs from other types of anger.

Mental health professionals explain that narcissistic rage presents entirely different from usual rage.

This type of anger is often disproportionate to the perceived slight the narcissist may have received, which can cause shock or surprise in those witnessing this behaviour.


According to researcher Arlin Cuncic, some of the signs of narcissistic rage can include the following:

  • Powerful or explosive angry outbursts
  • Verbal or physical aggression
  • Episodes of rage when not given the praise or attention the narcissist thinks they deserve
  • Inability to control anger or rage
  • Shouting and screaming
  • Purposely inflicting pain, which can be emotional or physical, onto other people

Cuncic also says there are several hidden signs of narcissistic rage that people must be aware of – these present differently to direct anger and often show up as:

  • Avoidance
  • Giving others the silent treatment
  • A (quiet) sense of entitlement
  • Sarcastic comments or remarks
  • Passive-aggression
  • Repressed resentment
  • Hostility or bitterness
  • Ending relationships (or cutting them off) to preserve self-image or self-esteem
  • Anger that results in self-harm
  • A rage that quickly ends and is never discussed again

Narcissistic rage and how to deal with it

People witnessing this extreme anger may not entirely comprehend the triggers that may cause someone to engage in narcissistic rage.

Awareness is critical – and so is protecting yourself against this behaviour.

Managing narcissistic rage with therapy

You don’t have to put up with this type of abuse or manipulation from anyone – if you are struggling with narcissistic abuse and need someone to help you process your feelings, different types of therapy can help.

Speak to a mental health specialist at Camino Recovery who can provide further support and information.

It may also help if you understand what triggers narcissistic rage.


When a narcissist feels exposed, threatened, or feels like they are being belittled in some way, their “false self” surfaces, which can cause profound distress to those with NPD.

How narcissists cope when they are “called out.”

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (3)

If you imagine how fragile the narcissist’s ego is, you might get some idea of how distressing the experience of being “called out” or exposed by others can be.

When their unacceptable behaviour is brought into question, the narcissist often reacts by becoming frustrated or defensive.

There’s little reasoning in this process, and nothing works, no matter what you say or do.

With the narcissist, being exposed is like someone getting a magic marker and highlighting all their weaknesses and inadequacies for everyone to see.

Recognising the signs

But there are also specific situations that can trigger narcissistic rage.

These situations can include the following:

  • When the narcissist is not the centre of attention
  • When the narcissist is held responsible for their bad behaviour
  • When a narcissist feels out of their depth and not in control of their surroundings
  • When the narcissist doesn’t get their way, no matter how unreasonable the demands might be
  • When their self-image is harmed in any way, this is usually the idealised self-image the narcissist has of themselves
  • When the narcissist feels exposed, criticised, or put down in some way

What causes narcissistic rage?

The more helpful question here might be, what causes narcissistic personality disorder in the first place?

To determine its unpleasant sibling, it would help if you understand that narcissistic rage is often a key symptom of narcissistic personality disorder.

The two often go hand-in-hand.


Although mental health professionals do not know the exact cause of narcissistic personality disorder, research shows that it is likely caused by a combination of factors, such as:

  • A person’s upbringing
  • Genetics
  • Family history
  • Life experiences, such as trauma or other adverse experiences

If you think a loved one may have NPD, you must understand more about the condition and how to care for yourself.

Narcissistic personality disorder is classified as a “cluster b” condition, meaning that people diagnosed with this disorder often display dramatic, erratic, and unpredictable behaviour.

A person with NPD may exhibit overt signs of narcissism or be more discreet (covert).

Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (4)

Common symptoms of narcissism include the following:

  • A sense of self-entitlement
  • A constant need for attention, praise, and admiration from others
  • A lack of empathy or compassion for other people
  • Arrogance
  • Jealousy of others and believing that others are envious of them

Examples of narcissistic rage

As well as understanding the signs of narcissistic personality disorder, you must also know how narcissistic rage unfolds.

When slighted or called out for their behaviour, the narcissist may react verbally, physically, or both.

Example one

Suppose the waiter at a restaurant doesn’t tend to the narcissists’ immediate demands for service. The narcissist may react by throwing cutlery off the table or vandalising a public restroom.

Example two

Let’s say a wife embarrasses her husband in front of guests at a dinner party.

Perhaps she teases him about one of his quirky traits or unknowingly belittles him; here, the narcissist responds by hitting his partner and children once everyone goes home.

Example three

If a colleague messes up a project or makes the narcissist look inadequate in front of other work colleagues, they may respond by punching a hole in the bathroom door or becoming vindictive.

Ways to manage narcissistic rage

There are various ways to protect yourself against narcissistic rage, from distancing yourself physically, setting firm boundaries, or cutting the narcissist off entirely.

You may also benefit from the following measures to protect yourself against narcissists and their abuse.

Protecting yourself

These protective measures include:

  • Not reacting to the narcissist’s anger – this method is often referred to as grey rocking; this involves giving no reaction or response to the narcissist’s abuse or rage.
  • Remaining cool, calm, and collected – the narcissist wants a response from you – the more dramatic and emotional, the better. Staying calm is your superpower; when you remain cool-headed in the face of narcissistic rage, the narcissist will eventually get bored and stop all the insults and abuse.
  • Sticking to your guns – creating boundaries is often much more straightforward than sticking to them. However, it would help if you stuck to the limits you have created with the narcissist in your life. Once they know you mean business, they will learn to respect you and your rules.
  • Therapy and support groups therapy is an integral part of surviving narcissistic abuse – many people benefit by talking about their concerns with a safe and trusted person, such as a therapist.

How Camino Recovery can help

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (5)

If you think a loved one has any narcissism symptoms mentioned in this article, it’s time you spoke to someone who can help.

We treat and diagnose various mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, addiction, and personality disorders, at Camino Recovery.

Our therapeutic programs can help you understand narcissistic traits better, helping you manage in times of stress or crisis.

Treatment programs

Cognitive behavioural therapies and trauma treatments may be recommended for victims of narcissistic abuse.

These therapies may help you understand where the narcissistic rage comes from and how to protect yourself.

Now is the time to get help and support. After all, you owe yourself that much.

Speak to a specialist today.

Additional resources

  1. What Is Narcissistic Rage? Verywell mind, Arlin Cuncic, November 21, 2022
  2. Narcissistic Rage: Triggers, Causes, and How to Respond, Choosing Therapy, October 11, 2021

Ameet Singh Braich, a distinguished Clinical Director at Camino Recovery, is renowned for expertise in addiction and trauma resolution. With 15+ years of experience, he transforms lives through a holistic therapeutic approach. His research focuses on childhood maltreatment's impact on cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.
A dynamic speaker and trainer, Ameet empowers clients to achieve lasting recovery, prioritizing trauma resolution and relapse prevention. His diverse training includes EAP, crisis intervention, and EMDR. Committed to positive transformation, Ameet equips individuals across fields to address challenges of addiction.

More from Ameet Braich

Narcissism and Anger: How to Protect Yourself From the Angry Narcissist | Camino Recovery Spain (2024)


How to stop a narcissist's rage? ›

Set boundaries with a narcissist and stick to them, don't engage, and don't try to debate with them. When narcissists are in an angry state of mind, they cannot think clearly and there is no reasoning with them. It's okay to ignore them or walk away to protect yourself if they're becoming rageful or violent.

What angers a narcissist the most? ›

Criticism or Rejection

Because narcissists thrive on constant admiration and attention, they are hypersensitive to anything that might undermine their grandiose self-image. If they feel ignored, overlooked, or undervalued, they will respond with rage to regain the attention and validation they seek.

How to respond to a narcissist's irrational anger? ›

Tips for Dealing With Narcissistic Rage
  1. Become familiar with NPD.
  2. Seek therapy for yourself.
  3. Avoid triggering a reaction.
  4. Call 911 if the person is a threat.
  5. Know you aren't to blame for their behavior.
  6. Stay calm and set personal boundaries.
Dec 6, 2023

How does the narcissist react when he realizes you no longer care? ›

They'll essentially do anything to cover the shame of being humiliated or stressed to such levels. When a narcissist realizes your refusal to be controlled, they panic because their demands are no longer met. They'll become coercive, manipulative, and potentially aggressive.

What annoys a narcissist the most? ›

An honest successful person with strong principles and boundaries is the biggest pet peeve of a narc. Amazingly they hate narcissistic scams, but only when they are on the receiving end. Based on my previous relationship with a narc, the most annoying thing for him is basically me saying NO….

How do you disarm an angry narcissist? ›

These are some strategies that can help you respond to a narcissist.
  1. Stay Calm and Composed.
  2. Keep Your Responses Brief.
  3. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them.
  4. Get Them to Commit to Things in Writing.
  5. Remember That Their Behavior Isn't Your Fault.
Aug 23, 2023

What drives a narcissist insane? ›

11 Ways to Drive a Narcissist Nuts
  • Ignore them.
  • Offer constructive criticism.
  • Set and enforce your boundaries.
  • Call them out.
  • Build others up in their presence.
  • Be less available.
  • Stay calm when they try to rile you up.
  • Bring up hard facts.

What is the absolute worst thing you can do to a narcissist? ›

Experts agree one of the worst things you can do in a narcissistic relationship is tell someone that they are a narcissist − even if you are correct. That's because doing so almost always causes more harm than good.

What are narcissists scared of? ›

As a result, Narcissists most fear the following: Having their mistakes made public. Losing anything that they are using to enhance their self-esteem. Having someone they consider inferior to them get power over them.

How do you hurt a narcissist's ego? ›

Seriously, anything you do will hurt them somehow.
  1. Calling them out on something they did.
  2. Not responding to a text fast enough.
  3. Not giving them sexual gratification per their requirement.
  4. Boundaries of any kind.
  5. Attention given to others.
  6. Any silent treatment from you.
  7. Being happy without them.
  8. Being independent.
Oct 14, 2017

What turns a narcissist off? ›

Make your boundaries clear − and stand by them

According to Sarkis, few things turn off a narcissist more than the word "no." "Narcissists will work very hard at turning your no into a yes," she says.

When a narcissist sees you cry? ›

A narcissist might become angry when they see you cry depending on the circ*mstances. It may arouse an overwhelming feeling of shame or losing control over the other person and their own emotions. So to regain control and suppress shame, they might react with aggression.

What triggers the narcissist to want you back? ›

Get your ex to come crawling back to you by giving them the silent treatment and acting as if you don't care about them: they'll crave your attention. They'll feel insecure when they see you thriving, so date other people, pursue your hobbies and career, and show your ex you're successful and happy.

When a narcissist realizes they lost control? ›

The outrage a narcissist may experience when they feel they no longer have control over you may spark a furious outburst. They attempt to reestablish their control through aggression and force. Narcissistic rage is an intense, aggressive reaction to a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth.

How do you shutdown a narcissist? ›

35 Phrases To Confront and Disarm a Narcissist
  1. “I need you to listen to me.” ...
  2. “Please stop interrupting me.” ...
  3. “I am not comfortable with how you're speaking to me.” ...
  4. “I need you to not yell.” ...
  5. “I am on your side.” ...
  6. “I need you to stop.” ...
  7. “If you don't stop, I'm going to walk away.”
Apr 23, 2023

How long does narcissistic rage last? ›

The narcissistic rage cycle can last from minutes to hours to days to weeks, depending on what triggered the response. The type of rage the person with NPD exhibits can vary during this time. For example, they may start with a loud, angry outburst and then shift to the silent treatment.

How do you trigger narcissistic rage in court? ›

You can trigger narcissistic rage by putting the narcissist in a position of looking bad. Narcissists do not take criticism well. Gather witnesses who have seen your narcissistic ex behaving badly. This could include family, friends, co-works, teachers.

How do you beat a narcissist in a fight? ›

Beat them in a fight by saying things like, “We seem to have gotten off track. Let's change topics,” or “We both care about this a lot. Maybe we should move on to something else.” Get them to do something by saying, “We need to finish this report by the end of the day,” or “We have a big mess to clean up in here.”

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.